
Monday, March 29, 2010

Venturing Forth

Venturing forth upon the byways
And the villages surrounding Galilee
Jesus was sought with wonder and praise
For He'd cured afflictions and maladies

Gone as well was the stigma of sin
Associated with each varied disease
Thinking Him but a worker of miracles, often
They still sought a Messiah, who was to bring peace

One time...a certain nobleman
Besought Jesus...that He would come
And, quickly heal His ailing son
Which Jesus did apart from Capernaum

To each who asked...He made them whole
Oft saying to go and sin no more
Ever He cleansed both body and soul
Even causing lepers no longer to mourn

And watching...judging...were the Sadduces
As they, too, saw Him heal on the Sabbath day
He was charged for working...a blasphemy
Thickening their plot, this young upstart to slay

Jesus, challenging their restrictions
Stated this holy day was for man
To become cleansed of their afflictions
Thus He healed by their faith and through command

But...they continued to not understand

thoughts from
Son of Man
Susan Easton Black

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