
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Standing Beneath the Bridge's Low Arch

Standing Beneath the bridge's low arch
While watching the Somme river's flow
I thought of soldiers who passed here to march
Prepared for battle a long time ago

All too many never came back
A large battlefield became their grave
I remembered one costly attack
Where a battalion refused to cave

Seeing these comrades entrapped
Some of the 77th division advanced
Volunteering...a brave and noble act
On a crusade of love, truly gallant

"Greater love hath no man than this
That a man lay down his life for his friends"
Today, may the rescuing of "lost battalions" still exist
Ever... as the ageless message of Jesus transcends

A Lost Battalion in the world

All too often souls are lost
In the wilderness... left all alone
With varied afflictions that exhaust
This is the worst desolation to be known

The aged, the widowed, and the sick
All too often feel no one cares
Their light of hope flickers so dim
When a rescue of a smile ever shares

A Lost Battalion in the Home...

A father and son had a fight
The worst that they'd ever had
As the boy was leaving, forever, into the night
Stark realization came to the Dad

For admission should start
Mother was begging for the son to stay
There was such a breaking of hearts
As mother cried on... in sorrowful way

Then came a healing balm
As the father chose to accept the blame
Mending hearts unto calm
Inviting...instead of sending with shame

Lost Battalions of All Mankind

Love is forever the binding band
But... who is perfect enough for all?
Ever the Savior does stand
Responding to every lost call

As no one will escape death
To be redeemed... we are in need of our Lord
He is the provider of breath
And we're the rescue... He alone can afford

First Presidency Message
Lost Battalions
President Thomas S. Monson

John 15:13
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Tambuli, September 1987, 2

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