
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Passover Week

Passover week was a joyous reunion always
Of all the others, for Jesus, this one was different
The scribes and the chief priests had plotted for days
And, He knowing, spoke that His death was now imminent

Yet, none could foresee this by the greeting
That He received while entering the city
A path of palms, the cloths, and hosannas so fleeting
For, lambs were nearby, as on the donkey He was sitting

One last Pascal dinner for Him remained
They were given a large secluded chamber
Commemorating Israel's deliverance so famed
They had unleavened cakes and herbs... bitter

The lamb was roasted on a pomegranate spit
Peter and John with the owner prepared everything
The room was made festive, the lamps were all lit
And...Jesus sat with the twelve and spoke of suffering

The meal was the Savior's to offer
He washed the feet of His disciples in the upper room
And said..."I have desired to sup with you before I suffer"
Judas Iscariot left and the meal resumed

He took the round unleavened bread
And blessed...and broke it, and He said:
"Take, eat- this is my body
This do in rememberance of me"

He then took the cup and gave thanks
Passing it around till each man drank
"This is my blood that will be shed"
Thus, teaching through every word He said

The miracle of His atoning sacrifice
In which He would bleed from each pore
Teaching that redemption came with a high price,
What it was in rememberance of and who it was paid for

He commanded: "Love one another as I have loved you"
As, He covenanted this comforting promise
"Peace I leave with peace I give unto you"
There to not feel troubled if in their part they were honest

All His words had farewell undertones
And Peter asked-"Lord, whither goest Thou?"
"The hour cometh for my works alone,"
He responded. "Whither I goest, thou cannot follow me now"

thoughts from
Son of Man
Susan Easton Black

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