
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

On the Most Important Sunday of All

On the most important Sunday of all
The earth shook and a tomb stone rolled away
Conquering the effects of the fall
The Lord was resurrected on that day

We need not have an angel's voice or trump
That of the first Easter, we can testify...
For already eyes tear and throats form a lump
When we pause to think of Him risen and alive

He is the Son of God, the only begotten in the flesh
The promised Messiah, our Lord, and Savior of worth
May we learn of Him and follow Him as we would a compass
For by and through Him there is direction on earth

The fundamental principle of the gospel
Is faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ
He stands, a central and solitary figure,
Offering hope and peace in this life

Through Him, we can gain truth and confidence
Knowing prayers are both heard and answered
Through Him, we can endure with persistence
Personally feeling loved by Him and treasured

thoughts from
14 day walk with christ- oviedo ward youth
click on title to go directly to sugardoodle and read...

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