
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Pondered the Lamanites

I pondered a group of Lamanites
Who upon hearing a small voice
Were converted as day from night
Unto becoming righteous and choice

Others...too, changed their ways
Through, the preaching of the word
By those remembering former days
All... believed what they saw and heard

A gathering of evidence, in fact
That there was an outpouring of Spirit
God was calling the Lamanites back
Through their willingness to hear it

The quality of their conversion
As they layed down weapons of war
Became a total immersion
As with easiness they wanted more

May we too become this sensitive
Unto faith to endure to the end
Being repentant there to live
Prepared for all the Lord does send

As only a softened heart will suffice
To feel the power of the Atonement
Let us prove our willingness to sacrifice
By living a life ever aligned with our covenants

An Easiness and Willingness to Believe
Elder Michael T. Ringwood
Ensign, November 2009, 100

Helaman 6:36
"And thus we see that the lord began to pour out his Spirit upon the Lamanites, because of their easiness and willingness to believe in His word."

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