
Friday, March 5, 2010

Everything Was Prepared

Everything was prepared
Freedoms were in place
Lending the gospel to be shared
With answers to embrace

For the last dispensation
A prophet was prepared
A childhood operation
Proved, of pain, he was not scared

For there would be tests and trials
Requiring endurance and faith
To lead a journey over miles
Midst persecutions hard to face

Though his finances were meager
His persistence would not quit
He was ready, chosen, and eager
To be the Latter-day prophet

Let hell rage and enemies combine
He would do all that is required
For suffering helps refine
To do as the Lord desires

If we study, ponder, and pray
Seeking answers in this life
We too can know the way
Ever...even unto Jesus Christ

Like Joseph, our path is long
And many tests lie ahead
This helps us to grow strong
As we seek to be spiritually led

So it was with Joseph
May it be with us
With surety to know if
We are committed, thus

Joseph Smith Memorial Fireside
Elder Robert D. Hales
February 20, 2010

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