
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bounding Out of the Wilderness

Bounding out of the wilderness
John the Baptist prepared the way
With the buoyancy that was his
As the Elias of his day

With his face full of excitement
He called all unto repentance
Stirring others with incitement
Adding fervency to each countenance

His message was alive
For he knew what it could do
Ever changing peoples lives
In fact converting them anew

When e'er we speak of Christ
May we also spring forth with joy
For in us we've His Light,
His name, and Spirit to enjoy

When e'er we sing out in praise
May our voices ring out full
We're His Saints of the latter days
With blessings so ample

click on the above title to go to the site
and read more at Hieing to Kolob

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