
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Author of the Perfect Plan

The author of the perfect plan
Has made all things possible
He provided a Savior for man
To conquer the impossible

The greatest gift that God can give
Is the promise of eternal life
This should be our central motive
Celestial glory through Jesus Christ

May we each reach
And give our best
If we let light teach
We will pass life's test

With all our being
Let us share our light
For others seeing...
The path of insight

Desire, commitment,
Faith, and diligence
Keeping God's commandments
Prove's our allegiance

Let us each renew
Our enthusiasm
Like light shining through
A directed prism

Infinite sacrifice,
Supreme blessings, and grace
Are ours to apprise
Unto salvation to embrace

Attempting the Impossible
Elder Jorge F. Zeballos
Ensign, November 2009, 33

make aware of
increase the value of
gain in value
give information or notice to

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