
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

As Christ's Body Lay in the Tomb

As Christ's body lay in the tomb
Guarded by His enemies
The new day was of mourning and gloom
For the disciples and their families

But, what joy in the world of those who had passed!
As Christ, in the spirit, came to preach
Unto the righteous who knew Him well
For redemption was promised to each

Christ organized and set up order
So the unlearned could be taught
From every dispensation and corner:
Whether they had rebelled or had known Him naught

For God's people, this day was anticipated
Mercy would be offered to man!
Each Elder to receive a call... delegated
Believing through Christ, in all things, he can!

Each taught... all would be judged in the flesh
To accept or reject Christ's offering
To rejoice, repent and with God mesh
Or choose another way, with one's own suffering

Echoing round paradise the message rang
"Repent of all things and feed lost sheep
Ever to the Lord, all salvation hangs"
Thus His servants in death, still watch keep

And I in my station, what shall I do?
Am I willing to help another in need?
Do I seek much to know and follow through?
Serving His children, am I eager to feed?

thoughts from day 13
14 day walk with christ- oviedo ward youth
from sugardoodle

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