
Monday, February 1, 2010

What Can I Discover to Unlock the Soul's Cover

What can I discover
To unlock and uncover
The soul's of today
Unto a more spiritual way...

Faith's foundations must be deep
To bear the load it's given
For life's pressures won't keep
As even little cracks enlargen

The icy winds of trials
Are harsh storms to withstand
Till one reconciles
That the Lord does understand

How can we pass daily tests
Without crumbling down?
A testimony in our breast
Keeps us on solid ground

The past is present to teach us
How to prepare for the the future
The more we learn of Jesus
The more He becomes our tutor

We've Him to walk with... and find
Sources of truth and Light
All earthly shadows fall behind
At the glory of His sight

He's a personal blessing
To ever come unto
With words for impressing
To learn from, follow, and do

One such source is the liahona
Given through a patriarch
Which does teach and place us on a
Unique path there to chart

And like a northern star
It's our focus throughout our lives
Truly telling us who we are...
As our purpose it provides

A precious gift to read alone
It defines where we belong
Our weaknesses are made known
That admonishments become strong

Patiently, let's watch, wait, and work
Promised blessings will be fulfilled
Let us seek more to know God's word
That light might be sweetly instilled

Thomas S. Monson
On Being Spiritually Prepared
Liahona, Feb 2010, 4–6

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