
Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Lord Measures Society

The Lord measures society
By the way charity is meted
When with holiness and sobriety
The poor and the needy are well treated

The earth is filled with abundance
Ever there is enough and to spare
Each with their varied circumstance
Has a stewardship over what is theirs

As we pursue the cause of Zion
We must beware of idolatry
For that is the path of Babylon
When it's righteous devotion we seek

We might ask ourselves what we worship
And take care to not be covetous
Of materialism let us be stripped
That lust and pride is not found within us

Let us dispense of our means and resources
With generosity, to alleviate suffering
That when nature and calamity courses
Our humanitarian efforts are there offering

D. Todd Christofferson
Come to Zion
Ensign, Nov 2008, 37

In our families and in our stakes and districts, let us seek to build up Zion through unity, godliness, and charity.

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