
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Look Up to the Bright Sky and Believe

Look up to the bright sky and believe
In your ability to achieve your goals
Do not allow yourself to grieve
When you meet a set back that forth rolls

This is your time to work hard
With determination and sacrifice
When there's a sin to discard
Hold to the rod at any price

There is a road to recovery always
Along the valleys of life each pass
When you overcome the obstructed pathways
God-like characters are acquired that last

Do not be content to coast along
But apply your talents to achieve
With integrity, face adversity headlong
Then, you'll accomplish beyond your dreams

And in all the pursuits you follow
Surround yourself amidst those who are bright
Remember to give service, lest life dims hollow
And live in a way worthy of God's light

Elder Huntsman tells Y students to focus on integrity, hard work
Brigham Young University devotional: 'God did not put us here to fail'
By Marianne Holman
Church News click on above title to go to site
Published: Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2009

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