
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Faith in a Church Leader

Our faith in a church leader
Should be on where he is strong
An example of this is Peter
Who worked but three things wrong

He cut an ear in anger
His faith at times was weak
He denied Christ in the face of danger
Yet... it was him the Lord did seek

Let this be our lesson
Each leader should be prayed o'er
Lest it be our transgression
That we didn't support them more

Then think of brother Joseph
Who did so very much
A debt of gratitude we owe him
For all he did for us

Knowledge of the Godhead
Modern revelation here on earth
Baptism for us and the dead
Midst the church coming to birth

The restoration of all things
The Book of Mormon too
Keys and precious callings
And words of wisdom are but a few

Shall we dwell on what is odd
From a time that's not our own
He was a prophet of God
The greatest to be known

Tad R. Callister
Joseph Smith
Prophet of the Restoration
Ensign, November 2009, 35

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