
Sunday, October 11, 2009

No Father Would Send His Children Off to a Distant Dangerous Land

No father would send his children
Off to a distant dangerous land
Without at first providing them
With some means of protection at hand

Our Heavenly Father has given us
A personal source of protection
A blessed lifeline we can trust
That lights intellect and introspection

As His children we are not left alone
For the things of the spirit are ours to find
His great plan for us is made known
Through what comes to the heart and mind

Unto the seeker as a wondrous gift
That is received through ordinance
The Holy Ghost helps us to choose and sift
While providing comfort and assistance

That by listening to the promptings
Our lives are led and even be saved
That whenever we are struggling
A channel unto God is well paved

May we keep it clean from clutter
That miracles might come faith
But, if not, He still hears each utter
That as we use a delete key there’s a new way

When unworthy thoughts enter the mind
Inspired music can dispel what stations
As through hymns prayerfully sung we find
Therein is power to escape temptation

In every pursuit and task
We can avoid wayward turning
For as we pray to God and ask…
We will feel our bosom burning

Prayer and Promptings
President Boyd K. Packer
October conference 2009

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