
Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Invitation to Repent

The invitation to repent
Is rarely for chastisement
But a plea to turn a life around
Where open loving arms are found

Imagine the Lord's merciful embrace
Warmly encircling, holy, and safe
His loving arms ever out stretched and open
Offering a higher way of life to hope in

Those living riotously can change and begin
To be spiritually wrapped in forgiveness within
No matter how selfish, how forsaken the sin
Our Savior is eager that we be forgiven

Who'd not run against the wind and even swim upstream
To come unto Christ where the gospel fruit is then seen
Thus, He who humbly submits and asks for the Father's will
Can know, feel, and find a peace that's sweetly still

Since repentance is a journey, not a one-time event
We petition daily and weekly partake of the sacrament
There to check on our progress as though on a mountain peak
Where we can see life more clearly through the spirit that we seek

Oft still to the repentant, Godly sorrow remains
To remind us never again to do what truly pains
Ever as we're laboring against the devil's tightening bands
We can find Him who has graven us in the palms of His hands

Repentance always means brighter days lie ahead
Midst a residue of past mistakes filtering in our head
Forsaking our sins requires restoration and time
Unto the healing peace of conscience as the anguish subsides

Let us take counsel and in good works be about
Putting off the natural man who would that we doubt
Let us be unselfish, honest, and more pure
Being patient and kind that our spirituality endure

Let us ever hear the bidding of our Lord calling our name
And pray that each in our family will in deed do the same
Ever we may know our Savior infinitely understands
And reaches out to us offering His sure healing hands

Repent... That I May Heal You
Elder Neil L. Andersen
November Ensign, 2009, 40

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