
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Golden Strand Through Time

A golden strand through time
Connects the old to the new
Through generations we find
Strength to go and do

Let us not forget the past
Our grandparents have been taught
They have learned what lasts
And we gain much from their thoughts

For with the ancient is wisdom
And solidarity too
That when families would abandon some
This is not what grandparents do

They're each a priceless resource
To reach and teach our youth
For they've walked the paths of remorse
And known correction and reproof

Their traits have become quite steady
And they can soften most family strife
For their soft side is always ready
To see the strengths in each one's life

Those aged are on the brink
Of passing through the veil
They're our most certain link
To what we need without fail

What can a grandparent do
When old, feeble and inactive?
But be the warmth children run to
For the strength to believe and live

The Golden Years
President Boyd K. Packer
Value the old folks
for what they are
not just what they can do

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