
Monday, October 5, 2009

Authorize the Spirit to Teach You

Whether through thoughts or feelings, I am not sure
But, I received words from God ever so pure
For I asked in prayer if all were from Him...
Now, in this manner, I receive them often

And, each time I do, I ask, "Is there more?"
That as living water, a stream might pour
There to ask again if each word is right
And truly given with clarity and light

What has happened to me, can happen to you
As you reflect, pray, and ponder anew
While searching God's doctrine written for us
And desiring to know, do, and be given to trust

Yet, who am I that I should receive?
But a child of God, who says, "Yeah, I believe"
That when I seek to understand His written word
To my mind and heart, then, much is heard

Richard G. Scott
thoughts from conference on receiving personal
spiritual guidance- solicited or not and how
impressions should be acted on to receive more...

He also said that strong emotions can mask this
influence- anger, hate, passion, fear, or pride
he said it was like trying to savor the delicate
flavor of a grape while eating a jalapeno pepper.

To Acquire Spiritual Guidance
Elder Richard G. Scott
November Ensign, 2009, 6

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