
Friday, September 18, 2009

A Young Man's Mother Died

A young man's mother died
From alcohol addiction
But his love for her survived
Understanding her affliction

He offered to help those like her
To show them they mean something
With his lovely path they can turn
And find the strength they're wanting

I cried some tears of gratitude
When I saw his selfless act
My faith in man then renewed
He warmed my heart, in fact

For his mother it might be too late
To see her cleansed from drink
But, his love still bears great weight
To help others stop and think

Now he helps those searching
For a better path to walk
Into arms outreaching...
A place to heal and talk

click on title to read the article
Eagle project is close to Scout's heart
By Lynn Arave
Deseret News
Published: Thursday, Sept. 17, 2009 5:30 p.m. MDT

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