
Monday, September 7, 2009

When We Have

When we have eyes that see, ears that hear
And hearts that know and feel
We can reach out and rescue
And offer the Savior who does heal

"Brethren, is every ordained teacher given the assignment to home teach? What an opportunity to prepare for a mission. What a privilege to learn the discipline of duty. A boy will automatically turn from concern for self when he is assigned to 'watch over' others.

"And what of the priests? These young men have the opportunity to bless the sacrament, to continue their home teaching duties and to participate in the sacred ordinance of baptism.

"We can strengthen one another; we have the capacity to notice the unnoticed. When we have eyes that see, ears that hear and hearts that know and feel, we can reach out and rescue those for whom we have responsibility."

on responsibility
President Thomas S. Monson
The Call to Serve
October 2001 general conference, priesthood session

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