
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How Can Faith Endure the Test?

How can faith endure the test?
By prayerful pursuit we are blessed
For time spent upon the knees
Feeds spiritual hunger and ever leads...

Father in Heaven above
Let me be reminded of Thy love
All those times of tender mercy
May I know and hold to so dearly

May I see Thy hand where e'er I go
Even this hour, as darkness does grow
Send Thy light to show me the way
Unto hope of a brighter day

Bless my heart to be full and warm
Secure in the gospel and safe from harm
And above all and more than anything
Help me learn what this trial is now offering...

As I rose, I knew faith must be applied
I turned to the resources God has supplied
And on a page, holy words spoke to me
That at serving others I must better be

To lose myself in the needs of others
Would strengthen my faith and that of my brothers
I felt a weight lifted from my worn back
Armed with the Truth, I was now back on track

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