
Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Holy Ghost Will Show You

The Holy Ghost will show you
"All things which ye should do"
As you read the scriptures and pray
It guides and directs always

Certain verses might seemed stressed
As you feast upon the word
But, more oft... you'll be impressed
With promptings felt and heard

Thus, when facing decisions
Work things out in your mind
Believe in providential protection
Then...pray, seek, and find

"Satan would diminish your faith and dilute your priesthood power to work mighty miracles, but a loving Heavenly Father has provided you with providential protection--the gift of the Holy Ghost. In the first chapter of the Book of Mormon we learn that as Lehi read the scriptures 'he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord' (1 Ne. 1:8-12). Nephi later promises us that as we 'feast upon the words of Christ . . . the words of Christ will tell [us] all things what [we] should do' (2 Ne. 32:3).

"You may be facing decisions regarding a mission, your future career, and, eventually, marriage. As you read the scriptures and pray for direction, you may not actually see the answer in the form of printed words on the page, but as you read you will receive distinct impressions, and promptings, and, as promised, the Holy Ghost 'will show unto you all things what ye should do' (2 Ne. 32:5)."

Spencer J. Condie
Becoming a Great Benefit to Our Fellow Beings
Ensign, May 2002, 45

Topics: Holy Ghost, Scripture

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