
Monday, September 7, 2009

God Blesses All Who Endeavor

God blesses all who endeavor
To be their brother's keeper
For when we serve like the Savior
The world becomes that much sweeter

Those who ameliorate suffering
Spiritually show a brighter smile
As to the uncertain they are offering
The Savior's footsteps from their extra mile

Those who've dedication know satisfaction
As in their service there's no resentment
For they're richly blessed for their charitable actions
Such that they've the spirit and an aura of contentment

"God bless all who endeavor to be their brother's keeper, who give to ameliorate suffering, who strive with all that is good within them to make a better world. Have you noticed that such individuals have a brighter smile? Their footsteps are more certain. They have an aura about them of contentment and satisfaction — even dedication — for one cannot participate in helping others without experiencing a rich blessing himself."

President Thomas S. Monson
Our Brother's Keeper
BYU Management Society and BYU Alumni Association, Bay Area Chapter, Feb. 12, 1999

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