
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dear Father in Heaven I Witness to Thee

Dear Father in heaven
I witness to Thee
I do remember
What's been done for me

Thy Beloved Son
Thou hast giv'n to earth
Has shown divine love
And eternal worth
He commanded
The multitude to sit
And took of the bread
To break and bless it

He taught this was in
The similitude
Of His body torn
To then be renewed
I drinketh His flesh
And blood ministered
And witness anew
His life in me stirs

I hold up my light
To shine for the world
That Thy divine plan
Might further unfurl
I've built up my life
Upon the Lord's rock
To keep Thy commands
Where e'er I may walk

But, oft I fall short
And find I'm thankful
That Jesus did not
And suffered in full
He as my Savior
Has redeemed my soul
And oft heals my heart
That I become whole

Let the strong winds blow
And the rains descend
For His rock I know
As I would a friend

3Nephi 18:1-16

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