
Monday, August 17, 2009

We Need More Spiritual Families

We need more spiritual families
That are honorably strong
Who choose to do what's right
In the face of all that's wrong

It may not be convenient
Or even popular
But they're still obedient
And committedly stellar

Relentless in their pursuits
Of truth and all that's good
They're undaunted in their effort
To lift and love as they should

From Mongolia to Mozambique
From Taiwan to the Tongan isles
Around the world there's examples
Of God's virtuous disciples

As immoral forces increase
So should our faith and values
That we retain dignity and peace
While exemplifying the beatitudes

Shall we look to our government
For the kind of world we need?
Not if we want to represent
The good shepherd who does lead

There are certain things
We should never do
Not even once
In deed or attitude

Shall we lie, cheat, or steal
Or give up to illegal drugs
Shall we pornographically feel
Or abuse others and be thugs

No never
Not even once
For it's our endeavor
To do what our Father wants!

Let us never miss
Our opportunities to do
Whatever offers families promise,
Hope, and prosperity, too

Wendy Watson Nelson: Not Even Once!
By Wendy Watson Nelson, Ph.D.
Published: Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2009
please click on title to go to LDS Church News

a talk given by Sister Wendy Watson Nelson at the World Congress of Families V in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on Aug. 12, 2009.

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