
Friday, August 7, 2009

It's Back to School Time...

It is almost back to school time
Can you account for each young adult?
Have you let them know they're on your mind
That they're more than a statistical report

Have you invited the graduates
Into Relief Society?
Have you enriched their favorites
To let them know they're a priority

And if their school takes them far away
Who will write to them and keep in touch?
A letter from home will make their day
And they're in need of this ever so much

Bonnie D. Parkin
Relief Society General President
Address given at the Fall 2004 Open House

click title to go to site

(All I can say is hooray for Facebook
Where all of my young friend's pictures hook
For there they can be found right before my eyes
And I can enjoy what they share of their lives)

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