
Saturday, August 15, 2009

In Defense of Marriage and the Promotion of Families

In defense of the sanctity of marriage
And for the promotion of virtuous families
I speak of the strength that heightens one's carriage
When the family circle is complete and at peace

Oh, how this must deeply please
Our Heavenly Father above
As He has commanded of us to increase
Multiplied in righteousness and love

When two hearts melt
And become husband and wife
The greatest joys are felt
As they create a new life

There to see a little bit
Of themselves, a cousin, a brother
As characteristics transmit
Through genes bound to another

Such that when a mother dies
The family feels incomplete
And welcomes that new pair of eyes
By some miracle their loved one does meet

Ever the home feels empty
When a name's no longer called
And we've examples plenty
Of how that sorrow does fall

For each loved one is missed dearly...
Here let me tell you from my own life
How I have lost a grown child to cancer
And known the loss of my beloved wife

There have been times I've held loved ones close
And wondered who gained the most comfort
Trying to not let pain enclose
While drawing on God for support

I have known and given deep compassion
And seen healing again and again
I have been blessed once more with a companion
As the blessings of heaven extend

What greater joy can life afford
Than to know we'll leave a legacy behind
To be remembered as one adored-
By our children and grandchildren in kind

Any parent would offer their very own life
To provide for their children of what they have known
And would give of themselves and surrender to a knife
If it would erase the pain with which their child does moan

In these days of disintegrating notoriety
Families with children need to be re-enthroned
As the fundamental unit of society
Acclaiming a "quiver full" as the greatest wealth known

And lest we see the worst yet of infamy
We must put the interest of the child first
And reestablish the definition of family
That from the beginning of time has been rehearsed

In the next generation
Who will replace the old?
Let's unite with renewed dedication
And let the family proclamation be told

The traditional family we firmly proclaim
Has been given in trust by our God
Where husband and wife gladly share the same name
Commited to tread gospel sod

For founded on principles of faith
They come to know their sacred duty
And desire their family to grow in names
That their home may grow in love and beauty

Let the father be present and preside
There to do all he can to discern and protect
And may he have sufficient to provide
That the children know not the dangers of neglect

Let the mother have time to give nurture
And raise children filled with her love
That they'll be prepared for the on rushing future
There to be what contributing citizens are made of

May the family ever encircle
And be given to offering prayers
There to prepare for life's eternal cycle
Joined by the faith each one shares

Elder Russell M. Nelson
at the World Congress of Families V
in Amsterdam, Netherlands
August 12, 2009

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