
Monday, August 10, 2009

I Saw My Father Kneel Oft in Prayer

I saw my father kneel oft in prayer
And I never doubted God was there
When I was upset from a very bad day
I remember, "Let's pray", he would say

Through him, I felt divine protection
And sometimes a redirection
Such that I knew I too could pray
When I needed assurance things would be okay

The day came for me to leave home
To progress unto worlds unkown
Oft times I prayed about my fears
And felt restored with love warm and dear

I am so thankful for my childhood start
To learn to trust what prayers impart-
A chance to unburden and bear my soul
And be assured I'm loved and have a role

May I be prepared to know His will
There to write it upon my heart and feel
The Lord alone lifts me from the power of sin
As He warms me with what's tender within

And as I mature I learn more and more
Answers are received when faith is formed
As then He opens doors otherwise closed
For how powerful and kind He is, how patient and close!

The He May Write Upon Our Hearts
President Henry B. Eyring
Ensign, August 2009, 5

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