
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Great Morning of Forgivenes

Jesus' work was not done
When His body was slain
Nor will it be won
Till each soul has been saved

Every son and daughter
Who has come to this earth
Is a child of the Father
And of infinite worth

That is His mission
And we have one too
May we each gain that vision
Of what we're supposed to do

Ours is not done
Till we have been saved
And, too everyone
That our paths have paved

Thus being a savior
Upon Zion's mount
As we unite and labor
To overcome and surmount

The greatest news to be told
Is there's never a time
When the spirit's too old
To seek for peace of mind

All are within
The reach of pardon
To be free of past sins
For the Lord will bar none (exception- those who have committed the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost)

The Lord's anger kindles much
Against the unrepentant
But that judgment turns to null
In one repentant instant

As such we pray, fast, and ponder
While we plead and implore
For those who now wander
And are in need of favor

Weeping may endure
For a very dark night
But, when we're made pure
We awake to joy and God's light

President Boyd K. Packer
The Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness
Ensign, November 1995,18

D&C 61:10 "his anger kindleth against the wicked;they repent, and in a moment it is turned away, and they are in favor, and he giveth them life; therefore, weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

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