
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Because of an Offence

Because of an offence
I was much puffed up in pride
Unto building a tall fence
To see naught the other side

And fumbling in the darkness
I stepped off our good Lord's rock
While ignoring a prick of sharpness
I hit a stumbling block

Then everywhere I turned
I found a deeper place to trip
That I remembered what I'd learned
And fear caused my heart to skip

For though I set off on my own
I'd neither strength nor light
This caused such humility I'd never known
That... I heard a whisper in the night

I crawled through shadows in my shame
Not wanting to fall again
I cried out my Savior's name
And felt His grace descend

Then a bright light shown
On a narrow path to walk
I was not lost or alone!
In the distance was the rock!

There, I broke down the wall I'd built
And held a candle up to the sky
Then in gratitude I humbly knelt
And talked to God till morn was nigh

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