
Sunday, August 16, 2009

As I Have Not Yet Been Blessed

As I have not yet been blessed
With a husband and family of my own
Of this passage I can attest
"It is not good for man or woman to be alone"

Oft times, I am painfully aware
That part of me is not complete
With no help meet with which to share
I've also no children to rush and meet

Yet with all that I am and know
I am pointed to this divine truth
That from the garden family did flow
And we are now that living proof

Ordained of God, marriage is sacred
And includes the command to procreate
Where the basis of our society is bred
As children are taught what's appropriate

Though governments and schools may help
The success of a nation starts in the home
As in our day pervasive threat's develop
Sexual immorality has become the worst ever known

Nothing would do more to strengthen the world
Than a resurgence of moral virtue
Thus there must be more than consequences heard
If we're to have moral fiber embraced for good

It may seem hopeless or even ridiculous
To believe we can raise up greater women and men
But through a recommitment to what is virtuous
And, with Heavenly Father's help, we know we can

LDS Church News
Sheri L. Dew: The Power of Virtue
By Sheri L. Dew
Published: Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2009

Following is the complete text of a talk given by Sister Sheri L. Dew at the World Congress of Families V in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on Aug. 10, 2009.
click on the title to go to LDS Church News

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