
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We Were There

We were there
Out in the bay
Rocking where
Fireworks play

And on the hill
High above
Was the temple
God's home of love

My country, my God
My family in service
My gratitude broad
For opportunity and purpose

What a magical time setting up fireworks on a barge at one of the piers in San Francisco and then riding out past the bridge and treasure island. With the sun setting and a wonderful view of San Francisco behind while being pointed to the Oakland temple. While boats are giving a thumbs and cheers.Then arriving in front of Jack London Square with all the American flags. I just sat and pondered my country, family, and my temple. I will miss it and let the Las Vegas temple come to be my refuge. Sigh, I will miss all the familiar faces. We drove till past midnight to get to California and Demara and Renny came all the way from Maryland and had 4 hours of sleep. What a joy and blessing to keep up the family tradition! And, Jessie did all the shopping since everything was still in storage!

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