
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Through the Patriarch I am Spiritually Led

I have been blessed through a patriarch
Who has placed his hands upon my head
Now I've a star to follow and embark
On a journey that is spiritually led

Now I know who I really am
And to which tribe I belong
That as a descendant of Ephraim
I have blessings to be that are strong

Guided by the spirit of prophecy
The patriarch pronounced future blessings
While promising and cautioning specifically
And also admonishing paths for addressing

How can I not but read it often?
And ponder God's love for me
There to feel my pour heart soften
Warmed with thoughts of my life with divinity

A Star to Follow
A patriarchal blessing from an ordained patriarch
can give us a star to follow, which is a personal
revelation from God to each individual.
If we follow this star,
we are less likely to stumble and be misled.
Our patriarchal blessing
will be an anchor to our souls,
and if we are worthy,
neither death nor the devil
can deprive us of the blessings pronounced.
They are blessings we can enjoy now and forever.
James E. Faust

A Blessing Fulfilled
Sometimes someone will worry
because a promise made in a
patriarchal blessing is not yet fulfilled...
That does not mean that the blessing
will go unfulfilled.
It is well to know that things happen
in the Lord's due time, not always in ours.
Things of an eternal nature have no boundaries.
From the premortal existence to our existence
beyond the veils of death, our life is an eternal life.
President Boyd K. Packer

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