
Monday, July 6, 2009

Take Time to Meditate

Take time to meditate
As did the Joseph boy
For who knows what does await
To help you there in rejoice

Meditate a passage
From the holy writ
Ponder its true message
And apply your own self to it

Let the solemnities of heaven
Rest upon your mind
There to lift and leaven
Unto peace of heart and mind

Take time to be immersed
With words filled with the Spirit
Then through kind words rehearsed
May others through you hear it

For, if in all of your thoughts
The Light of Christ comes up first
You’ll end up at the top
Assured with peace through the worst

Study much out in your mind
Then in prayer ask to learn
And if in fact it be right
Your bosom within will burn (D&C 9:8)

Too, we should constantly strive
To have the Holy Ghost
As it’s our companion through life
That we are taught the most

Keep your hearts open for conviction
That unto the worthy does reach
Through our thoughts, feelings, or diction
The Holy Ghost dwells to teach

Lastly, this Latter-Day work is spiritual
For the Lord is within whispering distance
And through service for Him that’s habitual
We’ll feel immersed in love that’s intense

President Ezra Taft Benson
Seek the Spirit of the Lord
Ensign, April 1988, 2

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