
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Pioneers Sacrificed Everything They Owned

They sacrificed everything they owned
Even their very lives at times
While in persecution they lost their homes
In the pursuit of Zion theirs to find

One day each year let's take a journey
And trek a path till tired and dirty
Let's trace our heritage to the day
When our first ancestors paved the way

Each in their own way they sacrificed
As only in doing what's right sufficed
That we might have a name and standing today
May we be like them and have the faith to obey

Let's open our mouths, our homes, our hearts
As there are so many blessings the gospel imparts
Let's renew our commitment to follow and trust
For there are future pioneers waiting around us

Elia Gourgouris: Ask Dr. Elia
On Pioneer Day it's worth noting: We're all pioneers
Tuesday, Jul. 21, 2009
Read all of Elia's by clicking the title

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