
Friday, July 31, 2009

My View of America

My view of America
Is tender and sweet
For it was a miracle
That our founders did meet

As I look how strife leads
Our government today
I ponder the unity
That formed a new way

I think of the principles
Written through sacrifice and blood
As men sought to be free of gripples
And unfair taxation that did flood

I am thankful for each common goal
Under which our nation stands
That we can pursue our own roles
This only a free man understands

I worked for Challenger Schools,
(a private school in four states) for three years
Now that I am relocating to Henderson- I am
pursuing that career path again. This of course
requires a composition titled- My View of America
I have written several in the past. So, to be creative
in the hiring process I have written one in prose...

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