
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Baby My Way

I sit all day
Holding his things
For the slight bit of comfort
This action brings

Often I wipe
My cheeks that are wet
Perhaps I should write
Lest I forget...

The way he would crawl
With his diaper so full
Smiling at all
With a toothless drool

The special way he said my name
That playful tilt of his head, so sweet
His endlessly funny peekaboo game
For then how long our eyes would meet!

With a flick of the seashell night light
I think of the bed we made in a drawer
Where for the first time he slept through the night
At a hotel near by the shore

There is not a thing
That I would throw away
For they all bring
My baby my way

The small infant
So soon to the earth
In fact had been lent
To receive but life's birth

Humbly we remember
With worthiness of hearts
This babe in sweet slumber
Which breathlessness imparts

To those present there is hope
Of restoration one day
In a millenial home
Where this babe will grow and play

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