
Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Family is the Building Block of Society

The family is the building block of society
It is a nursery and a school to learn propriety
Also, it is a hospital and a leisure center
Offering a place of refuge and rest for those who enter

What can be done to save the family?
But return to the traditons of the past
Content with very little, they lived scantily
Of such their prayers of gratitude to God were cast

The family is a nursery and a school
A building block for the golden rule
It is a refuge, a place of rest
And it is where society finds the best

Margaret Thatcher, when she was prime minister of Great Britain, expressed this profound philosophy: “The family is the building block of society. It is a nursery, a school, a hospital, a leisure centre, a place of refuge and a place of rest. It encompasses the whole of the society. It fashions our beliefs; it is the preparation for the rest of our life.” In Nicholas Wood, “Thatcher Champions the Family,” The Times, May 26, 1988, 24.

photo-work provided by Chris Collins of the Margaret Thatcher Foundation

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