
Monday, July 6, 2009

At this Conference We Have Been Tenderly Blessed

At this conference, we have been tenderly blessed
By the messages and love there in expressed
May we reread oft from this rich supply
And then ponder a way to make use and apply

May we strive to live closer and closer to the lord
Being steadfast and firm expressing how we're indebted
For the devil would to wrap us well within his chords
Thus let us pray, lest we succumb to him while being tempted

He who spins his webs of deceit
Is seeking after weakened prey
There to entice us unto his feet
And... the internet’s become the way

For amidst all the acquiring
One can gain from but a mouse
Evil hands through works conspiring
Seek to entrap those inside each house

While on the path that is so instructive
Be strong, be clean, and avoid dark things
As it is degrading as well as destructive
With visions that will pop up, flash and ping

And if to pornography you are now involved
Seek for help humbly to overcome
Not in a day will things become absolved
But you can be relieved and repent of what is burdensome

Take the steps necessary to turn and get back on track
On to the path that is the straight and narrow way
Lest you fall again unto this attack
Continually in your heart might you say:

I will chose this day
Where to place my verve
As for myself and my home
The Lord I will serve

May heaven’s blessings
Be upon each one of us
As to God we're expressing
Gratitude, in the name of Jesus

President Thomas S. Monson
Be Your Best Self
Ensign, May 2009, 67

Joshua 24:15
As for me and my house,
We will serve the Lord

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