
Friday, June 26, 2009

With Increasing Need

With increasing need
That is crucial indeed
We seek out our Father
And His profound power

It is our commission
To be strong Christians
*Who through tragedy have hope
And can help others to cope

*Who overcome temptations
As with covenants they station
*Who are defenders of truth
And, who's faith will not uproot

What is the source of this power?
That sustains us when trials tower
It's our law abiding commitment
To keep all our Father's commandments

We then find through the covenants we enter
That Jesus Christ is at the center
Offering us hope that's everlasting
As to Him we keep our eyes casting

Such that continual blessings flow
And grant us with resources to act
As a steady supply of gifts show
As well as hidden treasure of fact

And along the path we find
That charity never fails
As we're nourished more in kind
With Christ-like attributes that swell

As our faith is made perfect in weakness
We face life with hope and equanimity
Strengthened through the power of Godliness
And the ordinances in which we're participating

The Power of Covenants
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Ensign, May 2009, 19

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