
Monday, June 22, 2009

When I Express Validation

When I express validation
It's not of flattery or praise
But an honest evaluation
That I sustain you with hand up raised

When Jesus Christ was baptized
Heavenly father said He was "well pleased"
Not to boast or to aggrandize
But, to offer appraisal's appease

Thank you for your dedicated service
For the higher journey that you take
You help to fill my life with purpose
As through you, there's changes I make

Of which in turn you thank me
Such that we feel unity
Is not this what Zion should be?
A form of mutual society?

From back page
Church News
March 2, 2009
Express Appreciation

i spent some time thinking
why do i write
who is it for
what's to come of it
is it any good
and i just feel the spirit
that's my validation
and i love it so much
i will just plug away
and enjoy the process
so if i write from you words a lot
thank you
thank you

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