
Monday, June 22, 2009

We Simply Cannot Afford It

We simply cannot afford
To be anchored to anything less
Than the Rock of Redeemer, our Lord
Of whom when we're anxiously engaged, does bless

When Alma said that the word
Can be compared to a seed
I just realized what I heard
The two mean the same thing, indeed

From the words before our face
Come- the things that we learn
And when they are planted by faith
They, like seeds, sprout and to the sun turn

A testimony does grow
Through time as it takes root
Then like a watered plant it throws
Marvelous blooms through its shoots

As a tree that's become seasoned
Knows, well, where nutrients are found
We can search deep and with a reason
To find abundance that abounds

Those who survive life's storms
Have built well upon the Rock
For then the power of the word forms
And the hidden nutrients unlock

Rock of Redeemer
And Power of the Word
Scott Taylor quoting Elder Jay E. Jensen
Church News
Mar 14, 2009, 5

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