
Monday, June 22, 2009

Thy House of Prayer

Thy house of prayer
Is a holy place
With Thee to share
And our sins erase

We offer up
On Thy holy day
The sacred cup
And bread to partake

The prayers spoken
Reach our humble hearts
That are broken
For what light imparts

The tables laid
Thy conferred will speak
The shepherd's paid
That we might be meek

He the I am
Who perfectly taught
Was as a lamb
The firstling of flock

He felt our sins,
Sweat in our sorrows
And He did win
For us tomorrows

His slaughter worn
Through pure hands and feet
Midst pain lone borne
Nailed on a thieves tree

Here in is grace
And truth fully seen
The human race
Can now be made clean

Here we accept
Our Lord's sacrifice
Though we're inept
To know the high price

His offering
Gives us His great name
His suffering
Shields us from sin's blame

We of His sheep
Still remember Him
For His watch keep
We offer each hymn

Here we rejoice
For we have His name
We know His voice
Through doctrine's we've gained

We eat and drink
Ever love does fill
Less we now shrink
We seek for Thy will

Our wounds He heals
And ever they're lifted
Our pain He feels
How we've been gifted!

Ever once more
We've covenants remade
Through our Savior
Thy path Thou has laid

As though from food
The sacrament soothes
From soul to foot
Our spirit then moves

Heavenly Father,
Perfect love Thou sent
As living water
We drink of what's lent

How can Thy Son
Remember us still?
Our lives, He won
Of this we do thrill!

Heavenly Father,
For mercy we plead
Thou the author
Knows best of our needs

Wilt Thou bless us
With hope for these days?
Brightened by trust
Of Thy tender ways

L. Tom Perry
As Now We Take the Sacrament
Ensign, May 2009

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