
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Patterns of Life

If we look for them
They will become clear
For the patterns of life
Ever reappear

Life long commitments
Don't happen in a day
But, through small installments
Of what we think, feel, do, and say

To be an example
Of a believer in Christ
We must oft give samples
By what we do with our lives

Something small and simple
May seem like foolishness
But if it points us to the temple
Great things come to pass in us

Living as a believer
Requires a pure and virtuous heart
And this becomes easier
If we write down goals and then start

Ann M. Dibb
Be Thou an Example of the Believers
Ensign, May 2009, 114

1 Tim 4:12
...example of the believers, in word,
in conversation, in charity,
in spirit, in faith, in purity

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