
Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Faithful Gardenias

My faithful gardenias in a pot
Produce their blossoms when it's hot
But one season they did not
I brought them in... Then I forgot...

Then one day while yet in January
Something happened that was extraordinary
My gardenias bloomed! With fragrance worth sharing
But, my dear friend found it more than caring

"How did you know? My favorite!" She said
As she lay there wilting upon her death bed
"I didn't, but God did", came my reply
T'was a miracle for her, we could not deny

For Heavenly Father was fully aware
That Anita was in need of tender watch care
And that she'd not make it until Spring
Well, back last year, He knew of this thing....

See her resting in her casket?
And of all the flowers lying near in baskets
A single white lay on her to rest
Pinned to what endows her the best

Wendy Foutz McKinney
Gardenias in January
Ensign, June 2009, 60

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