Saturday, June 6, 2009
May the Blood of Good Men
May the blood of good men
Redeem each land
May God's blessings descend
As we seek out His hand
May we fight for freedom
That tyranny might end
Unto furthering God's kingdom
For the covenants it lends
Unto righteous purposes
We pray for those who lead
It is through works one purchases
Let us lengthen more and feed
Let us too obey
The laws of the land
Might each in His own way
Be an example grand
Ever missing Adam Estep... a good man, ever part of our family, whose blood was given for freedom in Iraq. Throught the tender mercy of the Lord, we found his life size picture we'd lost- that in the move it was not tossed. And, the day before Memorial Day.
D&C 101: 80
And for this purpose have I established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose, and redeemed the land by the shedding of blood.
Articles of Faith
12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
True to the Faith: regarding “Prayer,” True to the Faith, (2004),118–23
The Savior has commanded, “Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work” (D&C 10:5). Although you cannot be continuously on your knees, always offering a personal, private prayer, you can let your heart be “full, drawn out in prayer unto [God] continually” (Alma 34:27; see also 3 Nephi 20:1). Throughout each day, you can maintain a constant feeling of love for your Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son. You can silently express gratitude to your Father and ask Him to strengthen you in your responsibilities. In times of temptation or physical danger, you can silently ask for His help.
When you make a request through prayer, do all you can to assist in its being granted. Heavenly Father expects you to do more than merely ask Him for blessings. When you have an important decision to make, He often will require that you “study it out in your mind” before He will give you an answer (see D&C 9:7–8). Your prayers for guidance will be only as effective as your efforts to be receptive to the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. Your prayers for your own welfare and for the welfare of others will be in vain if you “turn away the needy, and the naked, and visit not the sick and afflicted, and impart of your substance, if ye have, to those who stand in need” (Alma 34:28).
If you have a difficult task before you, Heavenly Father is pleased when you get on your knees and ask for help and then get on your feet and go to work. He will help you in all your righteous pursuits, but He seldom will do something for you that you can do yourself.
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