
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I've Three Lovely Sisters

I've three lovely sisters
That I look up to quite often
They tend to me like sitters
And lift my heart, there to soften

With Faith walking before me
Holding up her lamp
I try not to stumble
While she moves with a "can do" stamp

One step and then another
I find Hope steady and keen
Soon all will work together
Through her confidence, serene

Still, I've one more sister
Her name is Charity
Who to my path now enters
Offering assistance with clarity

Soon, to our brother's path we'll find
As her steps are so like His
For her works are ever kind
Without pride or want of notice

I am glad for my family
They are gifts from above
And I learn from them amply
As they lead me out of love
To Father...the best there of

Larry Hiller
Hope: The Misunderstood Sister
Ensign, June 2009, 8

click on the label
Hope the Misunderstood Sister- below
and find several other poems based on this Ensign article

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