
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Read Your Sweet Story

I read your sweet story
It could have been me
Living out the same tale
Wondering what was to be

We've been richly blessed
Though from far different lands
Each has taken a test
That we scarce understand

At age fourteen, I met a preacher
Who taught me of the Master Teacher
From that day on- I knew Jesus Christ
And He became a part of my life

For three years I prayed in His name
I would tell Him of all that came
How I felt and what I wanted
Soon, my faith became undaunted

I constantly received
Promptings, for I believed
And knew I was not alone
That to God, I was known

Through this pattern, I was prepared
For the gospel that was then shared
As one day, God said, "It is time"
Which He spoke to me inside my mind

I studied and searched around
Until His church, I truly found
Such that I remember my first meeting
And the missionaries I took to greeting

But, it was the Spirit that taught me the most
Through the promptings of the Holy Ghost
Where once I was without purpose and drifted
I have been called... and more I have been lifted

I once felt small and insignificant
But knew from the sky something was magnificent
The answers came one step and a time
And now I share this journey that has been mine

Susana Lyou Mantle
Finding My Purpose
Ensign, June 2009, 44

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