
Friday, May 22, 2009

You Don't Have to Be a Sleuth

You don't have to be a sleuth
To detect the devil
With an armory of truth
You'll deflect what's evil

So, lay the foundation
Of purpose and security
Through a righteous education
Unto spiritual maturity

"Your efforts to distill truth from reading and pondering the scriptures, from analyzing and striving to understand the inspired messages of the prophets, will provide you with an armory of truth. That truth will protect you from evil influences and lay a foundation for happiness, security, and purpose in your life. It will help you make correct choices. Initially these truths are accepted on faith. The confirming witness of their validity comes as you apply them in your life and as you express gratitude for the growth, maturity, and blessings that come from their use. That confirmation strengthens your capacity to discipline your life to avoid those things you know to be unproductive and harmful. Such a witness provides encouragement and the confidence to center your life in the teachings of the Savior and the plan of happiness of the Father."

Richard G. Scott,
"Making the Right Choices"
(CES fireside for young adults, Jan. 13, 2002), 3

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