
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sometimes I Forget to Call or Write

Sometimes I forget to call or write
And I know that often you hope I might..
Perhaps this is why this day started too
To remind grown children of what they should do...

Sometimes I don't tell you what you mean to me
When from you and because of you, I have come to be!

Sometimes I call to you, just to know that I'm loved
Like a hurt child running just to be hugged

It is you who has loved me with purity
And has given me comfort, warmth, and security

I want to say thankyou for your ever listening ear
For the way that you can calm me back unto good cheer

I want to say thankyou for giving me so much
For through you and because of you I have learned to trust

I thank you on this special day of the year
For all that you've given, how I love you, mother dear

daughter number four

I hope I can become more and more like you
And become tender and loving in all that I do

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