
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Oh, How the Wind Tossed

Oh, how the wind tossed
The disciples' ship
As upon the sea they crossed
On a long evening trip

They were but small
Against this big windstorm
And yet they stood up tall
When they saw a nearing form

Who could this be?
But a bad spirit come
Floating on the sea
To take away someone

Distressed at the sight
They cried out in fear
But... walking in the night
T'was the Lord who drew near

Having fed five thousand
Out along the shore
He walked out from the sand
To teach us all but more...

With waves all around
Midst the buffeting sea
The Lord was safe and sound
"Do not fear," out called He

Then Peter challenged
Could he walk there too?
Leaving the boat's edge
This he sought to do

With his faith uplifted
He walked upon the sea
But soon his thoughts drifted
That, while sinking, he did plea

Then proving once again
Who is mighty to save
The Lord stretched forth His hand
And pulled him from his grave

When come into the ship
The mighty winds did cease
The disciples on this trip
Learned what put them at ease

They once again had proof
Of the power of the Master
The Son of God of a truth
Had saved them from disaster

We too are prone to cave
When in peril we are falling
Yet, He who is mighty to save
Hears each prayerful calling

F. David Lee
I Have a Question
Ensign, Oct. 1984, 30-31

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